Green Card Application Errors You Need To Avoid

If you live outside the US and want to experience the American lifestyle, you are not alone. Thankfully, US law gives you an opportunity to experience that by applying for a green card. Green cards usually mean a lot of paperwork, which could also mean a lot of mistakes. This is especially true if you have little knowledge about the processes.
Whether it is your first or seventh time applying for a green card, it is recommended you do not begin the process without the assistance of a Dallas green card lawyer. An attorney can help you avoid mistakes that lead to delays, rejections, and denials. If you wish to go solo, here are a few common mistakes you should look out for.
Green card application errors you need to avoid
- Not understanding the eligibility requirements.
US immigration has set certain rules and eligibility requirements in place in order to get a green card. It is important for a lawful entry that you understand all the requirements. There are many ways you can enter the US legally. Consult with an attorney in Dallas to get the best form of help.
- Missing forms in your application.
Missing forms or crucial information in your application can cost you both time and money. A green card application is not a single-paged form. Green card applications consist of more than ten different government forms with attached supporting documents. All of these forms can be crucial to your case. Missing forms can cause delays or even rejection.
- Missing document translations.
As stated in the second point, you will be submitting a lot of supporting documents along with the forms. These documents ensure that you are who you claim to be and are truthful about the information you have provided in the forms. Some examples of such documents include birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, tax returns, etc.
If you belong to a non-English speaking country, you must attach translated documents to your green card application. Attaching the original, native-language documents can cause delays.
- Forgetting to sign your forms.
This may seem like a mistake you will never make, but they happen. All your time filling out never-ending forms and attaching documents will go to waste if you do not sign all the papers. You must sign all the forms and put your signature in the right place.
Different people may sign different areas of the form. Therefore, you must also make sure that the correct person signs. For example, the person getting the green card should not put their signature in the place of the person sponsoring the green card.