Working of a heat pump- all you should know

Working of a heat pump

Heat pumps have been playing a very important role nowadays due to the role that they play. These gadgets are quite helpful in transferring the notable heat from a single place to another. Thus, anyone intending to replace the air conditioner or the heating system in the house can vouch for an air-source heat pump. During winters, they provide heat, and in summers, you can count on them for cool air.

Once you start using the heat pumps, you must ensure their regular maintenance. Make sure that you are changing its air filters from time to time. If you are skeptical about changing air filters, you can read about the 6 benefits of changing air filters. Before finally using a heat pump, let us learn more about how they operate. Read on to know more about this procedure.

How does a heat pump function?

Since heat pumps are responsible for heating and cooling in Chicagoland, you would have to learn how they function in both seasons.

  • Working of heat pumps in summer

The working of heat pumps is quite similar to that of an air conditioner during summertime. There is refrigerant usage that plays the role of absorbing the futile heat in your house. The heat is then transferred outside your house. It happens due to the sudden change in the pressure of the refrigerant fluid. If the pressure is low, it would be easier for the refrigerant to absorb the heat in the air. On the other hand, the gas refrigerant directly passes the heat to the surrounding air in case of high pressures. It then moves back into the liquid from the moment it cools down.

  • Working of heat pumps in winter

The heat pumps make use of the noteworthy ‘run in reverse’ cycle during wintertime to get the heat from outside into your house. You might not believe it, but some heat is present in the air, even during wintertime. Due to the higher energy in the outdoor air, it becomes easier for the refrigerant to absorb that heat and then notably evaporate. The pressure in the gas refrigerant leads to an increase in the temperature. The refrigerant warms up the air inside your house until it becomes liquid. This cycle continues during the whole winter and proffers preferable heat.


A heat pump is known to save a lot of energy. Even a remote heating system can give you heat during the coldest winters and cover up most of your house’s heating load.

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