All you need to know about SPF Lumber!


Commercial, manufacturing, and construction projects often rely extensively on SPF Lumber. For the unversed, SPF stands for spruce, pine, and. When someone says SPF low grade or SPF Lumber, they are referring lumber that comes from the trees of North America. The SPF Lumber is further divided into Eastern and Western species. In this post, we are discussing some of the basics that are worth knowing. 

Knowing the difference

As a consumer, you need to know what Eastern and Western species are all about. Western species SPF, for the unversed, comes from white and Engelmann, and Lodgepole pine trees, and the size of the logs is usually larger. On the other hand, Eastern species SPF comes from red, white and black spruce, jack pine, and Balsam fir. These trees usually grow at a slower rate, but the lumber produced is known for outstanding strength properties. 

Benefits of SPF wood

There are several benefits of SPF wood. Firstly, the strength to weight ratio is rather small, which means that the lumber can be used for a wider range of projects. Also, these types of wood can be glued and painted easily, and when projects require nails to be used extensively, SPF wood is a great choice. SPF wood usually also meets the various building code requirements for safety and fire protection, besides adhering to norms for sound transmission. 

Uses of SPF lumber

SPF lumber can be considered for a wide range commercial and residential projects, and also for packaging and crating. The pricing of SPF lumber makes it a competitive choice for the construction industry, and it has been used extensively for wooden framing needs and projects, as well. Note that SPF lumber is graded as per National Lumber Grades Authority. For framing needs, #2 is most commonly used. This is also the best choice for commercial projects, often combined with #3 where needed. For specific needs and structural requirements, SPF MSR is used. 

Finding a dealer

Check online to find more on SPF low grade and make sure that you deal with a manufacturer that offers quality lumber at the right price. Depending on the requirements, you may have to order in advance, as delivery can take time during certain seasons. There is no denying that SPF wood is meant to last and is worth the price, and for construction and commercial needs, this works better than many other standard wooden species. 

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