The must-know benefits of an uncontested divorce in Huntsville


In Huntsville, an uncontested divorce means that both husband and wife have agreed to divorce and live separate lives. So one spouse files for a divorce, and the other accepts or agrees to it. The divorce is filed as per the no-fault ground, i.e., either because of incompatibility or irreparable conditions. You may contact the Huntsville divorce attorney to help you reach an agreement on all the major issues.

Benefits of going for an uncontested divorce

-Uncontested divorce would mean a quicker and more cost-effective divorce

If both the partners agree to the terms and conditions of a divorce, which may include alimony, child custody, property division and debt division.

In Huntsville, child support is non-negotiable since the court decides the amount as per the child support guidelines. If you and your spouse differ with the arrangement, you may set a different amount, but both must agree to the settlement.

If your case is not complex, you may not even require to hire a lawyer, and you can use the online services and represent your case. 

You might need to check with a lawyer if your case is complex and has unanswered questions.

Since there is no trial period or court presence, the uncontested divorce cost significantly decreases.

Pre-requisites for an uncontested divorce in Huntsville

-One spouse must be a resident of the state.

-Both the spouses must be available for signing the paperwork.

-Both the spouses agree and settle all the issues.

The process of uncontested divorce

  1. The process of filing an uncontested divorce vary from county to county. So checking with the county court is advisable.
  2. It starts with filing for divorce in the county where you or your spouse lives. You can also take the help of an online divorce service.
  3. The first form that you will need to fill out would be a complaint form which will explain that you are taking an uncontested divorce for a reason (incompatibility and irreconcilable differences). 

This also includes basic information about you, your spouse, if you have children below 19.

  1. If you have a child or children below 19, you will have to file additional forms for custody and support.
  2. The fees for divorce also vary from county to county, and if you cannot afford to pay the fees, you can request a fee waiver from the court.


After completing the paperwork, you still have to wait for 30 days. Post which judge will evaluate the documents and sign your divorce decree.

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