Benefits of Gypsum Plaster:

This plaster sets by the normal course of crystallization thus it is very easy to use and there won’t be any waste. Gypsum is heated to eliminate all its joined water bringing about the item known as anhydrous gypsum which is ground with a gas pedal to make a hydrous gypsum plaster. This plaster evaporates rapidly hence becomes simpler to apply the completing coat soon after the undercoat has set, typically around the same time. The advantages of gypsum plaster are mentioned below:
Easy To Apply
Creating sand cement plaster requires many processes like removing large gravel by sieving, constant mixing and churning to prevent it from setting. The gypsum can be directly applied to bricks without any separate process. It is also very easy to level gypsum plaster and also can be easily removable from the floor it falls when compared to sand cement mix, which is hard to remove from the ground surface.
High Performance
Excellent high power and solid after drying, sturdy and weights low and dead load on the structure is reduced.
It is also used to apply decorative applications and also can be mould into totally many shapes for decorating on the wall or appliances or other things.
Decorative application
Rapid Setting Time
The normal sand cement plaster requires 21 days to get settle and harden. It is also necessary to pour water on this sand cement plaster for those 21 days to complete this process in a stable and perfect manner. If we fail to pour water regularly, it will crack and sometimes collapse and break down. On the other hand, there comes the gypsum plaster, which requires just 30-60 minutes to settle down and harden, saving a humongous amount of time for the contractor or the builder to move for the next process of painting.
Smooth Finish
It gives smooth, levelled, lined walls and proper angled corners at excellent finish.
Minimal Amount of Shrinkage Cracks Comparatively
The sand cement plaster will always result in the appearance of shrinkage cracks when it gets dry. Due to this, the plaster of paris is used to give a smoother finish and requires more time. Whereas, gypsum plaster produces a low amount of heat as compared to cement reaction with water. So this results in less or no shrinkage cracks and gives a smooth finish for the wall to paint on.
Low Heat Producing
Low thermal conductivity is one of the main aspects of gypsum and it also saves electrical costs for keeping the room in warm condition.
Reduces the Regular Supervision
Cautious quality checking is expected for sand cement mix as cement and sand must be appropriately proportioned. Conversely, gypsum mix doesn’t need the same measure of value quality check, and hence it diminishes supervision activities.
Easily available raw materials
One of ready available material is gypsum. Natural sand which is a raw material used in conventional cement plaster, is difficult to acquire and also it is a leading for damaging the nature.
Final Words:
Thus these are the benefits of gypsum plaster for using in constructions and when compare to ready mix concrete, gypsum plastersaves lots of money and able to finish the work quickly.